so this is me gizmo the cat not for real don't worry I just love my cat and decided to use him as my minecraft person .
you can recognise me with my cat skin or bye the weird words or phrases I type in the chat im usually trying to keep people happy
so about me I have a great passion for horses and most of the time I am riding at my stables , I live in france but born in England I invite my French friends to this server because im well know'n in my college for being English and that meens that people keep asking me stuff like rude words in English and other stupid stuff then they follow me everywhere so i just say to them to join my server's that i play then they all join on Skype and well its kind of kaos but iv only told one of them that i trust the most to come on this server his minecraft name is darksitralala but believe me when i say hes French all French do is death and destruction or be weird or do stupid stuff I invented a sickness for them its like dematerialisation of the brain
so in all im just here to lend a hand to the people who need it ^_^